A Clare Benediction
Agios o Theos
Agua de Beber
Ah, ti stepe schirokaja
All around my hat
Als de zon schijnt
Annie's Song
Ave Maria van Giulio Caccini
Can't help falling in Love
Cantique de Jean Racine van Gabriel Fauré
Cockles and Mussels
Come in from the Firefly Darkness
Conquest of Paradise
Die Meere
Djelem Djelem
Don't cry for me Argentina
Do You hear what I hear
Early one Morning
Esta Tierra
Fly me to the Moon
For the beauty of the earth
Hello Dolly
Fiddlers Green
Ich wollt, meine Liebe ergösse sich
I dreamed a dream
Kol Ha-Olam
Luci care, Luci belle
May it be uit Lord of the rings
Morning has broken
Musica Dei
My gentle Harp
My heart will go on
O holy Jesus, Blessed Redeemer
Pachelbel's Canon of Peace
Perhaps Love
Plaisir d'amour
Scarborough fair
Se lontan ben mio
Siyahamba (Afrikaans gebed)
Stay with me
Svetje tichij
Tebe Poem
The Rose
The wild rover
Tintarella di Luna
Top of the World
Twietje Tjeren
Un poquito cantas
What a wonderful World
We are the World
When the Saints go marching in
You raise me up
You've got a Friend